Download of  J.S.Bach [Mass in B minor (BWV232)]  (mp3 only)  
  //J.S.バッハ「ミサ曲ロ短調 (BWV232)」のダウンロード (mp3のみ)  
          Updated at 2014.02.01      
  To fit the purpose of chorus-practice, changes to the original score has been seems added.
 1. Inserted sound that have added to allow for matching of the pitch and rhythm.

 2. The bar section of only accompaniment, has been omitted.

About the Changes in setting related to tone-color and localization of the sound, are listed in the following table.

  Changes in setting >> Original MIDI Past setting Current setting    
  Accompaniment position right end right end center    
  Chorus part position left end left end Expand in order from left to right    
  Tone of chorus part Piano Harpsichord Electric Piano
(Adjusted to the slower decay)
  Software synthesizer (None specified) WinGroove VSC(Virtual Sound Canvas)    
   設定の変遷  >> オリジナルMIDI 旧設定 現行設定    
  伴奏の定位 右端 右端 中央    
  コーラスパートの定位 左端 左端 左から右へ順に展開    
  コーラスパートの音色 ピアノ ハープシコード 電子ピアノ(遅めの減衰に調整)    
  ソフトウェア・シンセサイザ (指定なし) WinGroove VSC(Virtual Sound Canvas)    
  About redistribution or republish of this mp3 files, I suppose absolutely prohibited.
At the same time, about being the provided sound source of confined to the piece of chorus, please acknowledge.

MIDI data is based on the data of the Ogawa Yohan's HP.
Therefore, please use preferentially MIDI data of his HP.

About data which modified by hobby my own, please contact us who want to see by all means. 
I can not be guaranteed until certainty of reply, but will try to reply as which goals to be effort.

[For Past setting]
Published sound source in the link on column of [
No.], was created in the past setting.
It has been applied to the works of just-before resigning from [Choral Friends for the Yamagata Symphony Orchestra].
このMP3ファイルの再配布や再掲載は、一切禁止とします。 同時に、コーラスの部分に限定の提供音源であることをご了承ください。

MIDIデータは、小川与半氏のHPに基づいています。 そのため、優先的に彼のHPのMIDIデータを使用してください。

  J.S.Bach [Mass in B minor (BWV232)] (Barenreiter edition) Music piece List
J.S.バッハ「ミサ曲ロ短調」(ベーレンライター版) の 曲目リスト
  Classification No. Kinds  Title of Music Piece mp3  m: s  Remarks  
  Missa/Kyrie 1 Chorus Kyrie eleison @     8:38    
  2 Sop.Ⅰsolo& Christe eleison     -     
  3 Chorus Kyrie eleison @   3:24    
  Missa/Gloria 4
~ 5
Chorus Gloria in excelsis @   6:14    
  Chorus Et in terra pax    
  6 Sop.Ⅱsolo Laudamus te     -     
  7 Chorus Gratias agimus tibi @   3:33    
  8 Sop.Ⅰsolo& Domine Deus     -     
  9 Chorus Qui tollis peccata mundi @   2:38    
  10 Alt.solo Qui sedes ad dextram Patris     -     
  11 Basso solo Quoniam tu solus sanctus     -     
  12 Chorus Cum Sancto Spiritu @   4:17    
  Symbolum Nicenum 13 Chorus Credo in unum Deum @   2:31    
  14 Chorus Patrem omnipotemtem @   2:12    
  15 Sop.Ⅰsolo& Et in unum Dominum     -     
  Alt. solo Variante hierzu      
  16 Chorus Et incarnatus est @   2:50    
  17 Chorus Crucifixus @   2:31    
  18 Chorus Et resurrexit @   3:54    
  19 Basso solo Et in Spiritum sanctum Dominum     -     
Chorus Confiteor @   7:03    
  Chorus Et expecto    
  Sanctus 22 Chorus Sanctus @   5:24    
  Osanna 23, Chorus Osanna in excelsis @   2:28    
  25 @   2:28    
  Benedictus 24 Ten.solo Benedictus     -     
  Agnus Dei 26 Alt. solo Agnus Dei     -     
  Dona nobis  pacem 27 Chorus Dona nobis pacem @   4:00    
   Total time          64:11    
    English page  Original MIDI data site: [Ogawa Yohan's Bach SMF library]    
    Japanese page  //MIDIデータ入手先: [小川与半のバッハSMFライブラリ]     
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